
By neil, 11 November, 2012

So the 2nd day in Tokyo. Had that traditional inability to sleep on the 2nd night, so was a late-ish start and a fairly easy day.

By neil, 8 November, 2012

Well it's gone midnight, and it's before the next midnight comes around that I arrive; so I guess that makes it technically day 1 now.

By neil, 8 November, 2012

Found the below blog entry that I'd started a few months ago on a train journey in the UK, but for some reason never published - probably because the train had no wi-fi, and I'd forgotten about it by the time that I got home!

Anyway, since I'm in an airport, and I have wi-fi it seems like a good time to get it published!

By neil, 8 November, 2012

So it's been over 18 months since my last adventure from the Secret Location! Last time it was 3 weeks in Australia, this time I'm going East again, but keeping up north - I'm off to Japan! I'm currently sat in the business class (more on that later) lounge waiting for my first flight to the near-by Secret Stopping-Off Point, and given I won't be in Japan till tomorrow evening, this is being called Day 0!

By neil, 23 June, 2012

Well, after last year's trip down under I decided to head east again this year, but staying a bit further north this time to Japan. It's somewhere I've wanted to visit for years, and so thought it was finally time to head on over. Still a while before I go, but I've started reading the guide books and keeping an eye out for things of interest. However, as regular readers of "The Internet" will know, Japan does seem to come out with some crazy stuff, so I'll be posting random weird Japanese stuff as I see it under the "Dear Japan... Why?" heading.

So onto the first one...

By neil, 5 June, 2011

No, the "Eee" doesn't mean it's from Yorkshire!

I'm currently sat in the pub waiting for some old work colleagues from my last job in the UK to show up, so thought I'd use the wait as an excuse to churn out a new blog entry.

By neil, 10 March, 2011

Well, made it back to the secret stopping-off location. Melbourne Airport is a joke where public transport is concerned!

By neil, 9 March, 2011

So I've actually managed to write something for every day I've spent in Oz!

Just had a leisurely day around Melbourne today. Was a bit wet this morning, so couldn't really do too much. Plus spent some time packing. The hotel wanted to charge AUD60 for a late checkout, and even that was only till 4pm; so decided to checkout this morning and leave suitcase at the hotel. They've said I can use the gym to freshen up and get changed before I leave for the airport.

By neil, 8 March, 2011

Penultimate day in Oz! :-(

Spent the morning in the Australian Centre for the Moving Image. The ACMI has 3 main exhibition spaces. 2 of these hold their special exhibitions, some of which they charge for. The remaining space is their free permanent exhibition.

The current special exhibition is on the works of Disney. Lots of drawings from various stages if some of their best known animated feature films showing the various processes involved.