Diary of a man down under - Day 10

By neil, 26 February, 2011

Half way through the holiday already!

Another day with plenty walking. Most of today spent around Darling Harbour. Started with a visit to the Sydney Aquarium. Forgot it was the weekend, so the place was full of kids. Noisy, running around the place, generally getting in the way. Am sure I was never like that as a kid! Not sure how the photos will turn out. For obvious reasons there isn't much light, so trying to take photos is a challenge. Done a few underexposed shots and will see if anything comes out in processing when I get home. One of the joys of shooting RAW!

Followed that up with a trip to the Sydney Wildlife World. Started taking photos and noticed that worst of things... The low battery warning! Thankfully it survived the rest if the day. Must remember to charge it tonight. The Wildlife World is a bit like a small indoor zoo concentrating on Australia's wildlife. The usual koalas, kangaroos, etc but also a lot of the creepy crawlies. Another one for arachnophobes to avoid.

Let the feet rest next with a ride around the monorail circuit. Doesn't really seem to serve any purpose. It isn't that cheap and doesn't stop at many places.

Next went to the National Maritime Museum. Got to have a look around Vampire (an ex-Aussie Navy warship) and one of their old submarines. Vampire us pretty much what you'd expect. The submarine is interesting in that you really don't realise just how cramped conditions onboard are. Getting down into the submarine, and back out, is also something of a challenge!

Finished the day with a trip up the Sydney Tower. Nice panoramic views over Sydney. I think I actually prefer the view of Melbourne. Sydney has a lit more high-rise buildings, especially around the Tower which spoil the view; especially by hiding most of the Opera House.

Anyway, off for a well-earned beer! Think I'm going to have a day off sightseeing tomorrow (or at least do a different sort of sightseeing) and head over to Bondi Beech.