Diary of a man down under - Day 14

By neil, 2 March, 2011

So I'm 4 hours out from Sydney. I'm not sure this train has gone in a straight line since we set off! I seem to spend most of the time looking forward out tje window at the front engine... I could wave at the driver if these bends were any tighter! Currently somewhere between Dungog and Gloucester climbing up into the hills. The cloud is getting very low to us. If we climb much further we'll be right inside them.

This journey is much more how I expected it to be. Hardly Amy stations or evidence of civilisation for the last hour or so; mostly single track with occasional passing points, fairly leisurely pace, etc. The train from Melbourne to Sydney surprised me in how often we came across small settlements.

Managed to get the "snorer" sat behind me for the first couple of hours (he got off a couple of stops back). Thankfully the headphones are really good at blocking out external noise; although I was able to catch the announcement informing us they were about to start taking orders for Devonshire Tea! There's also someone on the other side of the aisle with a huge Sony Walkman Sport. Big bright yellow thing that plays cassette tapes (younger readers may want to ask the grandparents what they are! Yes, even the parents may be too young to remember what they are these days.). Noone sat next to me yet.

Anyway, time to sit back and relax for the next 7 hours until we get to Casino where I have to transfer to a 4.5 hour coach service.

Update: 1840 (Brisbane time)
Now on the coach. Told it's about 3 hours to Brisbane. Train was 30 min late into Casino. First due to a signal failure and waiting for a goods train to come the other way out of a single track section. Then it was due to a mechanical fault with the rear power car (think British Intercity 125... That's what the train was, albeit slightly modified.)

Anyway, it's dark and the coach driver's turned off all the lights, so time to sit back and relax again.

Update: 2310
Got to Brisbane a little ahead of schedule. Checked in to hotel. Bit of an odd place, but at least it has free wifi!