Diary of a man down under - Day 15

By neil, 3 March, 2011

Urgh! Brisbane is far too hot and sticky. Plus it's raining. Bit of a storm earlier; which I think caused a brief power failure on the train!

Fairly quiet day today. Spent the afternoon at the Castlemaine XXXX brewery. I didn't realise they still made that stuff. Is it still available in the UK? Got chatting to a couple of Swedes and a German. Conversation turned to cricket, at which point a couple of the locals got involved! In a strange twist, one of them was actually happy England won; mainly due to the way the England team conducted themselves as opposed to the way Ricky Ponting behaved.

Still trying to work out what the hotel us trying to be. It's basic, but has most of the things you need. Lack of electrical outlets, and no shaver socket in the bathroom. Reception isn't 24 hours. When I arrived I had to use an intercom to contact someone who released the door for me and told me there was a safe inside with my room key inside. Key is the old style rather than a card-controlled electronic lock. Also, the zircon goes off when you remove the card which the key is attached to from the little switchbox, so when you get back to the room after a day out it's far too hot and humid.

Ah well; it's a bedroom that serves the basic purpose. Even if it does feel like a student dorm!