Japanese Dream - Day 1

By neil, 8 November, 2012

Well it's gone midnight, and it's before the next midnight comes around that I arrive; so I guess that makes it technically day 1 now.

Made it to the Secret Stopping-Off Point. Shouted at the airline for messing me around on the way back. Because of a long layover on the way back I am entitled to a free hotel. When I booked it (for some reason you can't do it online when you make your booking!) I was told to pick up a voucher at the Secret Location. They told me that I had to pick it up here. The Lounge desk couldn't find the details in the system so sent me to Reservations. They told me there was nothing they could do and so I had to go to Customer Service. Everyone initially denied the booked existed until they eventually found it in the 3rd different system they have! Anyway, I now have a bit of paper in my possession that says I have a hotel, so should be sorted!

So the Lounge here isn't great, which surprises me somewhat. Very limited selection of food and drink, not very well sign-posted, obnoxious c**t having a loud voice call on (I assume) Skype (and worse still he's a Brit!)

Anyway, not much to report yet. No idea where the gate is (should be a direct link from the lounge given I board upstairs) but again no signs to point it out. Due to board in just under an hour. Next update should be from Japan itself!

Update: 22:03 (Japan time)
Well I made it! Extremely tired so collapsed in a heap on the bed and just about finding the energy to update this!

Flight was pretty uneventful. The A380 is a strange beast. It just doesn't seem as big as it should. We had to be bused to the aircraft, and on the way we passed under the noses of a couple of B747. They are big, and they make sure you know it. But you pull up alongside the A380 and you can tell it's almost as if it knows it's the world's largest passenger aircraft, but it doesn't want to brag about it. Once inside you don't really get the impression of just how large it is. In fact, sat upstairs it was very easy to forget there were about 400-odd people sat on a floor below you. Had to keep reminding myself of this when looking out the window and thinking the wings don't even look that big. What you can't see is about half of it because the wing curves down so much as it reaches the fuselage. It's also surprising how slow you seem to be going on the final approach. I'm not sure what speed we did land at, but it seemed slower than others I've had on smaller aircraft.

Not really experienced much of Japan yet. Went from airport straight to the hotel via the train and courtesy bus, People I've dealt with so far have been very friendly, and lots of being bowed at, etc. All the TV in the hotel is in Japanese. I'm happy to report it all looks as bizarre as you'd expect!

Anyway, I think it is now time for some sleep and a bit of an explore tomorrow!

ARGH! Just seen my first Christmas ad... In Japan(ese)!!! IT'S STILL NOVEMBER!