Beer Review: Innis & Gunn Oak Aged Beer (2008)

By neil, 13 August, 2008

Yep, it's that time of year again... The limited edition Innis & Gunn Oak Aged Beer is out. This year's edition is in a light brown box.

The beer describes itself as an IPA and comes in at a reasonable 6.4%ABV, but the bottle is small - only 330ml. The beer is matured in oak barrels, into which hops have been added, for 60 days before being bottled. The production run comes in at "only" 68,000 (a very round figure!)

Described by I&G as "sunshine" in colour, I would say it was closer to a pale copper. Perhaps it's been so long since they've seen the sun in Scotland they've forgotten what it looks like.

On the nose, I&G claim hops, orange, lemon zest and mellow oak. I have to admit, I can't really say strongly one way or the other on this. Sadly the hayfever is playing up a little, and so the nose isn't working as well as it could. There is certainly a mellow whisky-like aroma in there. I would assume this is the mellow oak; my being reminded of whisky being due to whisky being matured (generally speaking) in oak casks. I&G do not make any mention as to where the oak casks are sourced from, so I am unsure if they have previously been used for whisky of some variety.

So on to the taste, and the Oak Aged always seems to have some taste that I can't put my finger on. I can't even decide if I like it or not. I guess that given I've had the last 2 years' expressions as well, it can't be that bad! The beer is very mellow, albeit quite malty. I&G describe a slight sweetness to the beer, which I almost agree with. However there is some bitterness on the tongue as well. Other than that, there's not much to it.

The finish is very subtle and can take some time to make itself known. Once again, I want to say whisky, but it's not. There's something else in there; possibly a slight fruitiness. It's almost reminiscent of a continental lager, but heavier.

Anyway, I have to admit this is not a beer I would rave about. It's not unpleasant, and it is certainly something different. However, it's probably more one for those who are already into beer in a big way but who want to try something a little different. Overall, 6.5/10.


16 years 2 months ago

Just had a quick look at yours, and it relates to the standard bottling, whereas this review is based on the 2008 Limited Edition.
Have to confess it's a while since I've had the standard expression. Perhaps I ought to hunt down a bottle and do a comparrison.